By Rylee Marron | September 8, 2016

Principal excited to launch lasting traditions at new school

For the principal of Green Canyon High School, one of the most exciting parts about starting a new school is choosing its traditions.

“We will have to come up with a school song, fight song, new mission statement and a new constitution on how we are going to run things at this new school,” said David Swenson, the head administrator at Green Canyon, which will open in North Logan in the fall of 2017.

The school will take in students within the boundaries of North Logan, Hyde Park, Benson, Amalga, Newton and Clarkston.

Swenson said he’s been busy selecting coaches, furniture, fixtures, equipment and uniforms.

Most of those things, though, will ultimately be replaced. Traditions have a chance to be part of the school far into the future.

Swenson said he might hold a contest for the fight song and school song.

“I have already had several people who have called me that they are working on a school song,” Swenson said. “The members of the community want to be a part of that.”

Swenson’s assisting principals, Shane Jones and Randy Bennion, are also looking forward to building school rituals that will last for future generations.

“I think the special part is opening a new high school and start new traditions,” Jones said.

Jones is also excited to go to a new school with his son, who will be a junior at Green Canyon in fall 2017. The younger Jones will be among the students who will also be a part of setting the tone for generations to come.

“I would like to make it a graduation requirement that each year you have to be involved in something,” Swenson said. “That is really important for students. If they are involved, they have more ownership in the school. We will be pushing for student involvement quite a bit.”

Starting in March 2017, Swenson will begin student council elections.

“I want them to be very, very involved in helping us make decisions on some of the traditions in this school,” Swenson said.

Swenson wants the elected student body president and student council to help him write the constitution, elections, dress policy and attendance card.

“I want those students to help kids feel wanted to be there,” Swenson said. “They need to feel valued and that it is a safe place.”